Thanks for the yoga Cheryl. It was just right for this gray rainy next-to-the-end-of-the-year day.

And getting toward the end of the year puts me in mind of resolutions. A friend of a Facebook friend posted a list of resolutions from Woody Guthrie’s journal. It’s almost too much like looking over his shoulder, but not so “too much” that I don’t want to share a few.

8. Write a song a day.
13. Read lots [of] good books.
19. Keep hoping machine running.
20. Dream good.

I’m definitely signing on for read lots of good books. I realized this week I haven’t been reading enough. I’ve let other jobs, other pursuits, steal time from reading.

And the hoping machine. It’s time to tune it up. And then there’s the walking and the writing real letters to people I care about, and maybe leaving room in each week for surprise.

As we wait for more light, or more snow, or 2012 what’s on your list?